Congreso de software libre

Are the days of expensive textbooks coming to an end?

Books (iStock)

Educational materials and professional development created and supported by the federal government would become free or widely available under a proposal submitted by more than 100 education stakeholders. The letter calls for designating such items "open educational resources," which are free for all. The Hechinger Report (8/1

Congreso de Igaciencia: Intelixencia Artificial

Enviado por admin o Xov, 09/09/2021 - 11:42

Congreso de Igaciencia: Intelixencia Artificial

O día 30 de outubro, no  Citius en Santiago, en horario de 9:45 a 14:15 horas e de 16 a 19:45 horas celebrarase o congreso de Igaciencia sobre Intelixencia Arfificial coas motivacións seguintes:

-Divulgación dos avances científicos nese campo.

-Celebrar unha das temáticas do mes da Ciencia en Galego deste ano, a Intelixencia Artificial.